Arnel Ethier – Royal Studio / Local Leaders

Written by: Robert Back

October 22, 2021

 We’re at Royal Studio, a hidden gem outside Edmonton.

Studio owner Arnel has been running the business for over 10 years, and now he’s busier than ever.

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Arnel highlights the experience artists get working at Royal Studio.
“We have a lot of fun here, and have plenty of toys to play with.”

With current restrictions in place, some areas of studio workflow have changed and that can add additional stress to a session.

Online meetups for mix revisions have been made possible due to software like audiomovers, in combination with Zoom or FaceTime.

An open attitude is what keep Arnel’s sessions fresh. Nothings out of the question when it comes to ideas, gear, or methods.

Arnel shows us his 8 track Tascam tape recorder.
He explains how to record thru the machine and back into a DAW to get authentic tape flavour in the box.

Arnel shares his way of finding your niche and gives advice to young artists starting their journey today.
“Trust yourself,” he hints.

All artists struggle with self doubt. The imposter syndrome never goes away, but we get better at managing it. “It’s a level playing field,” suggests Arnel.

Even artists at the top of their game doubt themselves from time to time.

Arnel reminds us, “There’s a lot more in common than we think.”

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