Neumann KH-80 vs Yamaha Hs5 Studio Monitor Review Shootout

Written by: Robert Back

December 5, 2019

How will the 4″ KH-80 compare to the 5″ Hs5?

In this Neumann vs Yamaha Studio Monitor Review Shootout, both speakers will be paired with a Yamaha HS-8S 8″ Subwoofer to increase clarity in the low end when mixing.

►Buy my Yamahas 


To compare these speakers, I first mixed a song on the Neumann KH-80s. Then I created a save-as Yamaha version. In this Yamaha session I reset all the plugin settings, and set all the faders and panning back to default.

Using the same plugins as before, I balanced the song as deemed appropriate using the Yamaha Hs5 speakers. I have used these speaker for several years and feel comfortable mixing with them, but how will the Yamaha mix compare when placed side by side with the Neumann KH-80 mix?

To add an extra twist to this comparison, I also mixed the song again thru a Sony Clock Radio Speaker (3″) This method is intended to emulate the famous Auratone mono mixing method used by Dr. Dre and Derek Ali.

“If it sounds great on a crappy speaker in mono, it’ll sound 10x better when you switch back to stereo monitors.”

It came out a little quieter than the Neumann and Yamaha mixes, but when I gained it up the result was very interesting. Although it lacked some hi frequency D A Z Z L E the clock radio mix felt solid throughout the low end and midrange.

In my opinion, the Neumann KH-80 Monitors and fantastic and are definitely worth the price difference. If they fit your budget, and your room size, they will make a great addition to your home studio.

The Yamaha speakers are still a great bargain for the price. They are great for casual listening and musicians getting into mixing and recording. They have served me well as my first studio monitors I got back in 2012.

What did you think of this comparison? Leave a comment below!


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